Cracked 5 … November 3rd, 2018

Jonathots Daily Blog


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The Main Reasons for the Existence of the Month of November

A. Purging turkeys


B. Including dressing and cranberry sauce into family squabbles


C. Overwrought arguments about Christmas


D. Evidence that all leaves will not be raked


E.  Rhymes with “September” in the 30-day song


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Cracked 5 … November 7th, 2017

Jonathots Daily Blog


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Mysteriously, a gun has recently begun to speak. Such a phenomenon–everyone jockeyed in an attempt to get an interview with the gun. Wanda Waylings was selected via a lottery. Below are the five golden nugget quotes from the gun during Wanda’s interview:

A. “The NRA is right. I’m a gun. I don’t kill people.”


B. “But could you stop selling me to a bunch of nut jobs?”


C. “And by the way, I would suggest you start making your bullets out of Cheerios–then the worst thing that could happen is you end up with a cereal killer.”


D. “By the way, I am quite proud to shoot a deer to feed hungry children.”


E. “Here’s what you can do–targets, turkeys, squirrels, rabbits, and an occasional tree trunk. These are fine. I don’t like to be used to destroy people.”


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