On Wednesday… November 5, 2012


On Wednesday it’ll be over.

The extravagant spending, campaigning, stumping, accusing and attacking will officially come to an end. Another Presidential election will be on the books, marred by some sort of controversy, with disgruntled parties on both sides–but yet, some sort of concession speech being given before morning’s light.

Although the pundits would love to tantalize you with the possibility of a hung election or other types of boorish conflict, it more than likely will pan out in some way and we once again will have an occupant for the Oval Office.

I don’t care. It doesn’t affect my life.

There are those who will find my two statements to be short-sighted, apathetic or even stupid. But I am not short-sighted, apathetic and try my best to escape stupidity. I just understand that a political solution and an arcane concept of the “balance of powers” has led us into a situation in which people have learned how to manipulate the system instead of using it wisely.

If Barack Obama is re-elected President, I will have continued my work as an adult through eight Presidents. A victory by Mitt Romney would make it nine. Honestly, none of these gentlemen have ever helped me in my mission. I have granted them the spotlight while I have continued my simple task, providing my own illumination.

I know that on Wednesday I will be propelling two ideas that I have shared all of this year and are really at the heart of my message ever since I was a young fellow of nineteen year.

  1. NoOne is better than anyone else.
  2. Jesus came to make God human, not to make humans more like God.

I can have fellowship with either political party, any atheist, any religionist or anybody at all–as long as they will lend an ear to these two precepts.

Of course, no political party will allow the notion of the equality found in the assertion, NoOne is better than anyone else. Their very existence demands supremacy.

No religionist is going to remove the mysticism of the pursuit of the “Godhead” in favor of the humanity, heart and teachings of Jesus. It’s just the way things are.

I am not discouraged; I’m just a realist. But I do know that if religion continues to propagate its supernatural vision absent human application, the ranks of the faithful will grow leaner and meaner. And I’m fully aware that as long as dominance, bullying and a caste system exist in our society, we will never be able to have peace and a free exchange of ideas.

So let them vote. Let them decide. Let them believe that they are changing the course of history by placing one person in an office to execute legislation and direct a nation. The truth of the matter is, the destiny of the United States of America lies in whether we can learn to greet one another with civility, pursue creativity and make sure that all our spiritual endeavors have a practical, earthly outcome.

Without this, politics battles and religion rattles.

On Wednesday I will continue my work. I enjoy the lot given to me because I can do it quietly and the fruit is obvious by the results tendered at the end of the day. I do not look to Washington, D.C. for my salvation. I do not look to heaven for the same. I daily work out my own salvation with a bit of fear and trembling–a fear that I’ll be distracted by the din of worldly noise and a trembling over how fragile we are all made and how easy it is to miss a quality moment, tied up with silly details.

I think you will find that which ever one of these men becomes President, your life will go on pretty much the same. So if you’d like to join me in believing that NoOne is better than anyone else and contending that Jesus did not come to earth to turn men into gods, but rather, to make God more human, I will guarantee you an exciting, thrilling journey–with exploits that always seem to bring the kind of results that please the heavens and satisfy the earth.

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